Monday, May 21, 2012

Another One Bites the Dust Linky!

Amber at Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher created a an end of the year linky!  The idea is to list list 3 things that were great and 3 things that were not-so-great about this school year.

The Great:
1. Balance
I have never been great at balance between real life and my job.  I blame it on being a farm girl.  I was born and bred to work hard – probably too hard.  I do not do well with hours.  I live teaching and have realized that I short-change other things in my life because of the intensity with which I approach my job.  I have worked really hard to leave school at a reasonable time and pursue other interests.  I am going back to school, have been teaching a few staff development courses, and have been much more involved with projects at home. It’s not great, but I’m getting better!

2. Blogging
Blogging has been an amazing endeavor!  I have not started to sell any products, nor have I achieved a huge following, but I have felt like I have grown personally from the experience.  I have learned so much from this community and hope I have shared a little too.  Writing has helped me to reflect and has created a record of my year.

3. Personal/Professional Changes
Deciding to change grades and go back to school for a doctorate have been HUGE and rewarding decisions for me.  I have felt bogged down for a couple years and the idea of making changes has really lifted a weight off my shoulders.  I look forward to the change and the challenge of the next few years!

The Not-So-Great:
1. Professional Interactions

Being honest here!  I have had a really tough time with colleagues this year.  I have been working with a few folks I haven’t worked with before and our personalities have not clicked.  I try to get along with everyone – I really do.  I just reach a point when I really feel I am being taken advantage of by people with stronger personalities.  I run my classroom as a tight ship and refuse to have it compromised by others who do not have the experience or who choose to be passive aggressive.  I also have a problem trying to do my own job when things I depend on others to do are not happening – especially when it involves doing what is best for students.  It was a year of being a manager – not a position I chose to be in. I am NOT in business! Hopefully that was not TMI.

2. New Curriculum

It was not the new curriculum itself, but trying to teach it all.  Our first grade curriculum is packed!  I don’t feel like I did anything justice this year.  Partly I was so darn exhausted from being overworked (see above) and partly because I decided to put my job into perspective and have not been working ridiculous hours.

3. Leaving Friends

When I made the decision to change grade levels, I knew I would be leaving some things behind.  I will be leaving a few really good friends and some amazing leadership roles.  While the leadership roles have been very challenging, I will miss feeling like an insider.  I have been pretty emotional the last couple weeks, realizing I am moving away from my two best friends in teaching – even tough I have been teaching for 11 years, 5 years is the longest I have worked with any group of colleagues.  I will miss them so much and must commit to attending after school get-togethers!

Hopefully was was not too much of a Debbie Downer!  It has been a tough year for me, but I am so excited about the future!


  1. It's hard when you feel like you are being taken advantage of. You were not a Debbie Downer, just being honest! Hopefully the future is nothing but bright for you. :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. Thank you for being honest,I can imagine how hard it is to leave friends,wish you good luck for the next year.
    It's a great Linky and I also participated.

    Enjoy Teaching English
