Thursday, December 1, 2011

Daily 5 and the Promethean

We are lucky that every classroom k-5 has a Promethean Board and I have used it during my D5 routine. I made a chart for students to follow. I did a screen shot of the chart.

The frog is me, for a guided reading group. The pencil is handwriting right now. I will be moving it to word work next week. The color dots are for each of my groups. To keep my sanity, I put the groups in order of level according to the rainbow. Does that make sense? My top group is red, the next is orange, then green, blue, and purple. It helps to keep my sanity.

I can move the colors around to move groups. I also write all of the names of the students in the groups on the side so they remember what color they are. I add an arrow under the center we are on so the students know where they are headed for that time.

I also set the timer for 15-20 minutes, depending on the time of year. I program the "chime" with a song that give the kids about 2 minutes to clean up and move into the next center. They know that by the end of the song they need to be started with the next task. It is fun to mix it up. Sometiems I will bo somethign classical and others an upbeat tune. It keeps the kids on their toes!

This chart has worked out really well and most years my students are able to follow the routine quite quickly. This year, I think I am going to make them little bookmarks that give them their own personal schedule.

Oh, and I printed out the chart on a poster maker to hang when there is a sub because I do not leave my laptop for a substitute.

I am hoping to add a few more things about Daily 5 as I get my brain wrapped more firmly around my year and how to make things work this year.

As an aside, I am off to a workshop with Sharon Taberski tomorrow. I am so excited to be going. I just received a flyer for Kati Wood Raye. Hmmm - I wonder if I take a personal day and pay my own way, if I would be allowed to go.

AND...don't forget about my giveaway! Click on the picture below to check it out!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a link to get to your Daily 5 promethean flipchart? I love it.
