Monday, September 1, 2014

September Currently

Wow!  Where did August go?  I remember thinking of all the things I wanted to do in August and then…WHAM…it was over!  It’s “Currently” time!  Link up with Farley over at Oh Boy, 4th Grade!  Here’image


Yep!  I think I am listening to Bachelor Island….or whatever it is called.  I haven’t really been paying attention because I have been making things for my first day back – TOMORROW! I don’t actually watch this show, but I am in too much of a groove to get up and change it when the remote is all of 20 feet away. OMG!  It’s like the grown of version of high school – awful melodrama.  I am not a convert!


I think I have mentioned that I elected to return to 3rd grade this year!  I am so excited!!!!!  I love third and I have an amazing team.  So many different personalities, but our team meeting was like a breath of fresh air.  Plus, I am team teaching/co-teaching with another teacher and a special education teacher.  We have been working together planning for a few weeks and are like siblings!  It is an amazing dynamic and makes me feel like my heart will be back in my job this year.  Plus, I think my Para is super amazing! Here’s to a great year!!!


Yep!  Tomorrow is the first day of my 14th year teaching.  I am pretty chill about it and in the back of my mind, that makes me nervous.  I’m usually pretty laid back, but I have so many things that I should have a student teacher starting on day one!!!  The teaming dynamic will be awesome, but I feel like I am putting so much more time in to make it all jive.


I am NOT a morning person.  Oh, how I wish I were.  No being one makes the job of teaching a bit tricky because, not only to you have to be up and at work on times, but little people arrive and you have to be both ready and…pleasant Winking smile! If only I could be chipper in the morning (did I mention my co-teacher talked about working out a 5AM – before work???)


I am obsessing over a new planner.  I can’t do the Erin Condren planner. I watched reviews on YouTube – yep. I’m that person. It is SOOO expensive and I would have to buy it every year. Plus, the days are set up vertically and, I know this makes me a bit neurotic (okay, a lot), but I can’t deal with that. Plus, I am sick of rewriting things in the planner every year.  Hence, I may have a very expensive new addiction – but it will be less expensive in the long run…THE FILOFAX! It is a binder type planner, but the size of an Erin Condren. So, I can move pages that work from me from year to year and not do that whole awkward carrying around two planners at the end of the year thing.  Plus, people design pages that can be printed off for just about everything you would want Ii n a planner. I just need to make the purchase…

3 Trips:

Oh, how I love to visit new places. I have an obsession with Alaska. It may be my husband’s addiction to the numerous Alaskan shows on TV or my preoccupation with self-sufficient living, but Alaska would be amazing!  Ever since I saw the Tweeto’s on Flying Alaska fly in teachers from remote schools to attend staff developments, I have be stuck on the idea of teaching there.

The Grand Canyon is on my bucket list.  I love seeing amazing geographic locations and I hope to see this one while I can still make the trek down into the canyon.

I love, love, love Spain!  I went my senior year in high school and feel like it would be an amazing trip to take again as an adult.

Leap on over to Farley’s to link up!


  1. Hello!
    I don't think I could ever live in Alaska - but I too would love to at least visit! I love your planner idea - that's something I am going to have to look into!

  2. I am jealous that you just started school this week! We went back on August 14th!!! Hope you have an awesome school year!
