Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I had 8 kids out yesterday! Yes…8!  It was crazy quiet in the room and I really got such insight into my students’ learning today.  It is amazing how much difference class size can make!

I *think* I have committed to:

Click on over to the Clutter-Free Classroom and check it out!

This is just what I need.  Last year, I went through my room cupboard-by-cupboard to weed and out am sad that I need to do it again.  Ironically, I think blogging has doomed me in some ways.  I see all of these great ideas and seem to keep picking up materials and books for my kids.  It is a vicious  buy and purge cycle!  At this point, I worry because so much of the things in my room are actually mine.  If I ever move buildings, there will be nothing left in the room – I really mean it.  From the carpet to the desk, to all of the books and storage…I bought it all. 

I have vowed to not spend more of my own money on my classroom this year…then promptly went to TPT and bought 3 units! I have seen so many more that I really think I need.  Yikes – anther downfall of the blog world.  I love to share ideas, but some blogs are becoming a venue for only advertising products.  It can be frustrating to find great things and then feel like you need to spend tons of your own money to get/use them.  It is an amazing opportunity for those that can do it and I am glad they have the opportunity, but puts a major hole in our pocketbooks as well.  I think part of my weeding out might be weeding out my blog list as well.  Sorry – just have to vent a bit.

I am looking forward to hearing from other people and seeing how rooms are progressing!




  1. Thanks for following!

    I feel the same way about stuff because you might not use it! Haha well we can always save it for next year! :)

    Sweet Times in First


  2. I'm your newest follower! I, too, always say I'm not going to buy stuff for my class - but then, I promptly go out (or on tpt) and buy stuff...ah well!

  3. Thanks for following me! I am your newest follower. I am also doing the Clutter-Free Classroom Project! :)
