Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Show and Tell Tuesday - Valentine's Day

Sunny Days in Second Grade is hosting a Show and Tell Tuesday on Valentine’s Day Linky!

I thought I would share one of my all time favorite Valentine’s books: Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli. 

This book is about a man who does the same things every day and is not a very happy person.  One day he receives a box of candies from someone in the mail.  The box totally changes Mr. Hatch.  All of a sudden he is happy and trying new things.  Then he finds out the candies were sent to him by mistake and he is crushed.  However, after all the wonderful things he did when he was happy, his friends and neighbors decide to cheer him up. 

You can also find this book read by the wonderful Hector Elizando on Storyline Online. This is a wonderful resource if you have not discovered it yet!

This book is a wonderful for sparking a discussion about treating others with kindness and feelings.  It never fails to captivate my entire class and leads to lots of sharing and kind words and actions.

Here is a quick freebie that I thought would be a cute craft with my students after reading.  Students can make a chain of ways to be kind or how they have been kind.  They could even be connected into a class chain.



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