Friday, July 22, 2011

Way Too Hot!

Ugh! I am so behind on everything bloggy! I have over 300 blog entries sitting in Google Reader, waiting to be read, and I haven't written anything on here in over a week. To tell the truth, it is just plain old hot here and I don't want to do a thing other than sit on my couch and watch tv! Even when I am reading something, my brain just isn't into it.

I worked on curriculum writing earlier in the week and my brain is more than a little fried from that! I started working on the ELA Common CORE curriculum with one grade level partner and worked with a second this summer. It is funny how your teaching can be so similar to on person's and so different from another. I found that I compromised a lot more with my first partner because our styles were different and our approaches were different. The second partner and I spent a lot of time refining what we had worked on during the year and moving standards around. Curriculum writing is so hard! We walk such a fine line between fitting what we do into the curriculum and changing what we do to reflect the standards. The new curriculum is totally going to change what we teach in writing in terms of genre and I think that is going to be a huge change! We are also teaching phonics pieces that we have not taught before and a grammar curriculum that was virtually none existent. It should be interesting!

I have fallen behind on the two books the teacher blogging world is reading: Math Work Stations and The Book Whisperer. My brain is just not into school at all. I truly want to work on my teaching and my classroom, because I am SOOO inspired by everyone blogging, but I am just not in the game right now. I know that my room has been cleaned by have taken every step to avoid going in. Maybe that will change when the weather cools down a little.

I am however, putting my teacher organizing skills to work at home. I just reorganized my food pantry. Everything is containerized and labeled! It is funny to see my husband benefiting from my teacherness! We might go to the fair tonight and enjoy some fair foods!

I hope everyone out there is a bit more productive that I am right now!

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